Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry X-Mas

This world's system is constantly trying to dictate and set standards for us.  Thereby, many times, twisting, diluting, polluting, contaminating--okay, I think you get the point--the standard God has set for us.  And it's no different during this very sacred time of the year...the commemoration of the birth of our Lord and Savior.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have everlasting life." (John 3:16).  So, I think the spirit of giving that is so prevalent during this season is refreshing and great.  Giving should express concern, appreciation, love, devotion and so on.  If that be true, we don't have to wait until Christmas to give...right?

Back to my point....

But as believers of Christ, we can't ever lose sight of the real meaning of Christmas.  We must not allow anyone or anything to push Christ (X-Mas) out of our Savior's birth celebration.  These are the types of things that take away the true essence of Christmas:
  • The guilt of not being able to purchase those ideal gifts...some of which you won't remember exactly what it was that you bought so-and-so by Valentine's Day anyway...LOL!
  • Over extending your credit lines and ending up paying for this year's gifts well into the next Christmas season...not funny at all
  • Buying others gifts because they bought you one...and then you got the nerve to give that special gift to someone else later in the year...hoping it wasn't the person who bought it for you...LOL! (now, you know I'm telling you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, God help us all!)
I know this for certain:
  • It really is more blessed to give than it is to receive
  • People that love you will continue to love you---gift or no gift
  • Cutting up a credit card or two may help your budget
  • You can share Jesus---He's still the most precious gift of all times
My prayer is that you spend lots of time with family and true is too short--the bible says it's like a vapor--to spend with fake ones.  May you laugh a lot as well--the bible says a merry heart does good like medicine.  Share the love of Jesus Christ in practical ways.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Be Blessed,
Pastor San
Christian Harvesters Fellowship
Follow me on twitter: @cfulwood