Friday, February 12, 2016

All Tied Up

Back in the day, family and church spoke about the dangers of premarital sex: pregnancy. And believe it or not that was about it. Oh yea, we were told by our church leaders  that sex outside the confines of the marriage bed (husband and wife) was not pleasing to God--sin. But for some reason (Somebody say, "Inquisitive minds wanna know.") that did not prevent teen pregnancy within even the walls of our "sanctified" churches and homes.  There was some (not a whole lot) discussion about STDs while matriculating through school. So, my primary takeaway as a young girl was simply, "don't embarrass yourself, your family and your church by getting pregnant."
No one spoke about how opening this Pandora's Box, eating this Forbidden Fruit would cause  a person to be "all tied up"--binding you up in a "soul tie." Someone failed to talk about the impact of having multiple sex partners would have on the soul (your mind, will and emotions).
A soul tie is "a tying, joining of two souls together."  Here's a definition I really like: "A spiritual/emotional connection you have to someone after being intimate with them, usually engaging in sexual intercourse; to the point that when you want to be rid of them from your mind and life, even when you are far away from them and out of their presence, you still feel as if they are apart of you and apart of you is with them; causing you to feel fragmented--not whole; as if you've given up some of yourself (intangible) that cannot be easily possessed again."

Sex is much more than a mere physical act. An ungodly soul tie is a fusing together of two souls in an ungodly, unhealthy way through the act of sex, which can occur in heterosexual relationships as well as homosexual relationships.
Have you ever felt like you just couldn't get "so-and-so" out of your mind? You kept running back to the relationship even though you knew "so-and-so" meant you no good? ...even though you were giving more than you were receiving? (I think many have taken Acts 20:35 out of context right here.) When soul ties are present, it's highly likely that you could be in a current marriage and long for a previous relationship with someone else. Why? Your soul is still tied to that other person (or persons). Sex has tied you to "so-and-so's soul." Soul ties steal from you. They can prevent you from focusing on the important priorities and goals of life. Soul ties will keep you chasing a pipe dream--"so-and-so will one day marry me;" "so-and-so just needs more time;" "so-and-so will leave his wife/significant other for me next year." Soul ties will cause you to settle in life. They will cause you to have a lower view of yourself due to the shame, guilt and secrecy involved.
While in a soul tie, you begin to rationalize your behavior.  You seek to please another person rather than the real lover of your soul--God.  God takes second seat to the one(s) you're tied to in your soul. You think you're so in love that truthfully, you and God, become secondary when it comes to making this person happy. Take a moment and think: Who's putting in most of the work?  Does "so-and-so" place as much value on you?  What about "so-and-so's" relationship to God? (Now, that's an entirely different topic: Settling for Being Unequally Yoke. And you know I'm telling you the truth.) You're sacrificing too much.  You deserve better.  You deserve God's best.
You must see yourself as God, your loving Father, sees you. He thought you were to die for (John 3:16). Agree with God and stop settling. Agree with God and get your mind, will and emotions...your self-worth back. Daddy God will untie you, if you're willing to be honest about your past and/present lifestyle. Tell Him (He already knows and loves you no less) your story of giving so much of yourself to so many people. Repent--make a change in your mind and behavior. Seek out others to whom you can be accountable (no more secrecy) and who will walk with you to deliverance and through full freedom.

Let's pray:  Father, we come to you today and we open the full details of our life to You. Heal us from our past and present poor decisions and the consequences of those decisions we currently find ourselves in.  We bring all sex partners to the foot of the cross and trust You for deliverance and freedom.  We receive your unconditional, unfailing love, healing and wholeness in Jesus' name. Amen.

Pastor San