Thursday, March 14, 2013

DEAL with IT & be HEALED from IT

Life has a way of serving us issues that weigh us down. You know what I mean... Relationship issues, bad choices and decisions issues, low-no-self-esteem issues, my money's funny issues. Well, I've got sure-fire answers for you. There's no way you can abide in the Word of God and it not change you. As I studied the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:25 - 34; Matthew 9:20 - 22; Luke 8:43 - 48) up close and personal, manifested healing took place in my life. Following are a few healing tactics I gleaned from this woman:
  1. Your Posture: You must come to the end of your rope. You must get to your wits end. I mean just burnt out--no other options. You'll know you're really desperate when you're willing to do whatever it takes to get your healing. Desperate times requires desperate measures. If what you were doing worked, why are you struggling with this issue? You're broken, allow Jesus to fix you. When you are truly desperate, you will drop it like its hot. You remember (hopefully, you remember. My younger sisters, Use your Holy Ghost imagine...); like I was saying, you remember the game "Hot Potato" we use to play. The item was so hot that we had to get rid of it. The issue that's plaguing you, has robbed you of your peace, self-image, joy, etc.--get rid of it by kneeling at the feet of Jesus and trusting Him to heal you. How low can you go?...get low, get low.
  2. Your Attitude: You must have a change of attitude. Get your mind out of the gutter. Stop thinking and focusing on negativity (Philippians 4:8). Commit to become a woman of expectation and anticipation of God's best in your life.
  3. Your Perspective: This speaks to your outlook; your slant on life and circumstances; how you see things in life. Can you envision yourself healed? Laughing again, giving of yourself freely again, loving life and people again, trusting again? Whatever that looks like, it's within your reach.
  4. Your Extension: You will have to press pass and through some things and people. You will have to take a risk. Be courageous. Go pass what's comfortable.
  5. Your Family: You must be willing to endure and embrace isolation and separation. If you've always got to have someone around you; validating you, your ideas and opinion--oh boy...not wise!! Some issues should be between you and God--alone.
I'm a witness that God still heals and makes whole.

Be A Blessing,
Pastor San
Christian Harvesters Fellowship
Follow me on Twitter: @cfulwood

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