Friday, November 25, 2011

Got Faith?

Luke 22:31 & 32
“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” NIV

Life has its way of throwing curve balls when we're least expecting. If you're willing to be honest, you've experienced some times in your life when you could say, "If it ain't one thing, it's another." Or "When it rains, it pours."  I'm a firm believer that while God does not send or cause these "issues" in our lives, He does allow and permit them.  So, in light of the fact that our all-knowing (omniscient), all powerful (omnipotent) and all-present (omnipresent) God has permitted these not-so comfortable experiences, what should our posture be?  We do agree that Satan is not slipping one by or over on God, right?  If we agree on these simple, but important principles, then what is God up to?

I'm not speaking to those who are purposefully leading and living unproductive, reckless lives.  But this is meant for those who have made a conscious decision to surrender the lordship of their lives to God and find themselves in rather uncomfortable and unexplainable places in their lives.

I won't pretend to know all the purposes and plans of God.  But He has given us His Word to shed some much needed light--insight, guidance and wisdom.  In our opening passage, Jesus makes Peter and the other disciples aware that they will experience a time of testing and great trial.  I found this passage rather interesting in that Jesus doesn't mention having prayed that Peter and the others would not experience difficult times.  Instead, Jesus has prayed that their "faith" endures--does not fail.  Lesson #1:  Life will not be problem free.  Lesson #2:  Faith in God is the key ingredient to surviving.  Without faith, it's impossible to please God.

Why did Jesus pray this way?  I believe the answer is found in the latter part of the passage: "And when you have turned back ("converted" KJV), strengthen your brothers."  While in the middle of difficult experiences, our emotional radar is going haywire and sometimes all we can focus on is our pain.  But this passage clearly encourages us to hold onto our faith so: Lesson #3: We can be changed and Lesson #4: We can provide strength and encouragement to others. Through our own experience and transformation we can provide firsthand knowledge and assurance that the sun will shine again, the pain will subside, your laughter will be heard again, there is a full (joyful) life after tragedy...  Without hope in Christ and faith in His promises, we are men and women most miserable.

Life's experiences can make you bitter or better.  The three (3) Hebrew teens in Daniel 3, endured a fiery furnace...a furnace that was so hot that it killed the men that threw them in it.  But the young boys came out of their time of testing with not one strand of hair singed, their clothes untouched and not even the smell of smoke.  Let's commit to keep our faith intact and strong in God so we can be witnesses of His ever-abiding love and devotion.

Be Blessed,
Pastor San
Christian Harvesters Fellowship
Follow me on twitter: @cfulwood

1 comment:

  1. Amen Pastor! I trust God in all that I'm going that He is bringing and carrying me through this! I believe His answer your question Got Faith? Yes, I got it! :-)
