Thursday, November 10, 2011

Peace Is Your Inherited Right

Many words and experiences come to mind when I hear the word "peace."  I reminisce about a warm summer day in Florida at Grandma Delilah's house, drinking a cold glass of her fresh squeezed lemonade or sitting on the front porch of Grandma Corrine's on a cool winter afternoon in Georgia with the smell of burning oak.  When I think of "peace," words like tranquility, quietness and solitude all come to mind.

But can you attest that there are many times in this life's journey that your tranquility manages to disappear and you can't buy a cup of quietness for free?  Yet, you go about playing the part of being cool, calm and collected, but internally, you're a tornado--a time bomb about to explode.  You're anxious and stressed. You don't know what to do about your circumstances. The thief has stolen your peace.

God's Word is full of promises (Isaiah 53:5; John 4:27; Colossians 3:15; Philippians 4:7) that "peace" is part of our here and now inheritance--not some by and by...pie in the sky...some-glad-morning-type of promise.  We settle and live beneath our privileges when we don't know our citizen rights...our sonship rights.  Let's consider the promise of Matthew 6:25-36, where our Heavenly Father encourages us to seek His kingdom and His righteousenss rather than worry.  In a nutshell, in this passage of scripture, God is saying, "I've got you covered and everything that concerns you. I'm your Source."  There's no lack in God.  For by Him and for Him was all things created (Colossians 1:16).  All things are possible to those who believe.  Maybe therein lies the problem--our lack of belief.  Who's report are you believing?  We are to live according to what God says rather than what our five senses dictate. We are children of fatih (Hebrews 11:6).

I'm reminded of the time when there was a storm and Jesus began walking on the water toward His disciples.  As He approached the boat on which His disciples were, they became afraid.  Long story short, Peter challenged Jesus and asked if he could come to Him.  Jesus agreed and Peter walks on water as long as his eyes are focused on Jesus.  Peter gets distracted--as so many of us--by the wind and waves and begins to sink--as so many of us. But all is not lost!  Peter cries out to the Lord to save him and immediately Jesus saves him.  Your takeaway:  Keep your eyes locked on Jesus and live in expectation of His salvation in every area of your life!

I encourage you to cooperate with the Holy Spirit and agree with God in order that you may experience the peace He has promised.

Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Jude 24-25

Until next week, walk in peace and be blessed!

Pastor San
Christian Harvesters Fellowship
Follow me on Twitter: @cfulwood


  1. Amen! I speak "peace" in the midst of the storm in Jesus' name! This was a blessing! :-)
